But you have a ton of other options for displaying ads on your website, from using other ad networks to selling and managing banner ads yourself. There are plug-ins for virtually every CMS and blogging platform out there that allow you to rotate banner ads or insert blocks of ad code.
This post is a collection of ad management plug-ins for WordPress, Movable Type, Drupal and Joomla! to get your started. At the end are a few tutorials for creating your own banner ad rotation scripts in PHP and ASP (so that even if a plug-in is not available for your CMS of choice, you’ll likely be able to build your own).
1. Plug-Ins For WordPress
Who Sees Ads? (http://planetozh.com/blog/my-projects/wordpress-plugin-who-sees-ads-control-adsense-display/)
Control which visitors see ads on your website, based on where they came from, whether they’re logged in, how old the post is and more.
AdRotate (http://meandmymac.net/plugins/adrotate/)
A simple tool that lets you manage banner ads (even for multiple sizes and different placement) on your website.
Ads For Old Posts (http://johnhawkinsunrated.com/wordpress-plugins)
This plug-in automatically inserts an ad block in your posts once they’re past a certain age.
OIO Publisher (http://www.oiopublisher.com/)
An ad manager that focuses on maximising your revenue, saving you time, and keeping you in complete control of your ad space. The php-script can be used to sell and serve ads and it is also available as a ready-to-be-used WordPress plugin.
OpenX Manager (http://drupal.org/project/openx_manager)
Lets you integrate the open-source ad server OpenX, along with the ability to import data from an existing OpenX server.
WP125 (http://www.webmaster-source.com/wp125-ad-plugin-wordpress/)
Manage 125×125 pixel ads without having to edit your template or keep track of when advertisements need to be removed.
Advertising Manager (http://code.openx.org/projects/show/advertising-manager)
A plug-in to manage Google AdSense or other ad network ads.
Twitter Brand Sponsors (http://mashable.com/sociableads/twitterbrandsponsors/)
Allows up to 10 different brands to syndicate their most recent tweets on your blog’s sidebar.
All in One AdSense and YPN (http://www.linewbie.com/wordpress-plugins/all-in-one-adsense-and-ypn)
A plug-in to integrate AdSense and Yahoo! Publisher Network ads into your blog.
WordPress Classifieds Plug-In (http://www.forgani.com/tools/wpclassified-plugins/)
Another plug-in to create a classifieds section on your blog.
OmniAds – WordPress Ads Plug-In (http://www.naden.de/blog/omniads#english)
An ad plug-in that allows you to post HTML or PHP units within your code.
Post Layout WordPress Plug-In (http://www.satollo.com/english/wordpress/post-layout)
A plug-in to let you control where your AdSense ads appear within a post.
Feed Layout (http://www.satollo.com/english/wordpress/feed-layout)
Add advertisements or other items into your RSS feed.
Smart Ads WordPress Plug-In (http://www.johnkolbert.com/portfolio/wp-plugins/smart-ads/)
A plug-in to automatically insert ads at the beginning and/or end of each post, depending on the post’s length, age or category or the blog member’s status.
Another WordPress Classifieds Plug-In (http://www.awpcp.com)
An easy-to-use plug-in for creating a classifieds ad page on your blog.
AdSense Revenue Sharing (http://www.maiq.info/work/wordpress/adsense-revenue-sharing/)
A great plug-in if you want to share your AdSense revenue with multiple authors on a single blog.
WP-banner (http://bibuweb.de/?cat=3)
A plug-in that allows you to put banner ads in a widget or a DIV anywhere on your website.
Random/Rotating Ads (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/random-ads/)
Show any kind of ad on your website, either in widgets or in your template.
Clickbank Hop Ad Plug-In for WordPress (http://www.opensolv.com/cbhopad/)
Lets you add Clickbank ads to your website through a configurable widget.
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